Trio of teens arrested for arson

Warrants were issued for three Jefferson teens Oct. 28 in connection with a fire set to a Jefferson-Scranton school bus and a structure fire at 704 N. Elm on Oct. 21. The fires were determined to be suspicious and the state fire marshal was asked to investigate.

Parker William Seehusen, 15, was charged with arson-second degree (class C felony), burglary-third degree (class C felony), burglary-third degree (aggravated misdemeanor), and aiding and abetting arson-second degree (class C felony).

Kevin Armando Montoya, 17, was charged with two counts of arson-second degree (class C felony), burglary-third degree (class C felony), and burglary-third degree (aggravated misdemeanor).

Andrew Clayton Montoya, 15, was charged with arson-second degree (class C felony), burglary-third degree (class C felony), aiding and abetting arson-second degree (class C felony), and burglary-third degree (aggravated misdemeanor).

The  boys were also charged in connection with an incident on Oct. 9 in which the base of a railroad signal was struck by a train after it was placed on the railroad tracks near the Maple St crossing; incidents on Oct. 10 in which two of the boys were found lighting leaves on fire at Greene County Middle School and a fire in a trash can at Chautauqua Park; an Oct. 21 theft of a bicycle in the 100 block of S. Chestnut St; an Oct. 21 theft from Dollar General; and a previous trespass at the building at 704 N. Elm.

The boys were referred to Juvenile Court Services.

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